Tuesday, December 8, 2009

God is a God of LOVE!

The idea that stands out to me most as I read section 76 if the Doctrine and Covenants is that Heavenly Father loves all of His children. This is a principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ that has always resonated with me. Even in times of deepest despair and trials, I know that Heavenly Father loves me and will bless me according to my faith.
The reason that I feel so much love from God in this section is because it is explaining all the blessings we receive for being obedient. Will we be crowned with great glory! We will be with Christ when He comes to the earth again to remain forever. We will live in a kingdom full of people that love the Lord and have worked hard to claim their exaltation.
This section also helps me to realize the great love of God in the fact that He has the power to save ALL those who are on the earth. I know that sometimes I can be selfish and stubborn and I don't always like everyone that I meet. Obviously Christ knows each of His spiritually reborn children individually and He loves each of us so He willingly laid down His life so that we can live with our Heavenly Father again. He chose to save every human on the earth as well as those on other planets in other galaxies. Not only did He save us, which is a huge gift, but He devised a plan to make sure that all of the children make it safely to a beautiful kingdom prepared for them.
I am sure that at the time Joseph received this revelation a lot of questions arose from the Saints. The heaviness of this revelation is probably not understood as it should be. The recent converts of the newly reorganized church had accepted a lot of truths that are hard to swallow, but this truth is so different from everything that had been revealed previously. The fact that a 'Hitler' would live in a place more beautiful than the earth is absurd to one who has never heard it before. The straightforward revelation expressed by him shows his character and true commitment to serving the Living God. He never wavered in doing what was required of him.
My favorite verse in the section in 114 which says, "But great and marvelous are the works of the Lord, and the mysteries of his kingdom which he showed unto us, which surpass all understanding in glory, and in might, and in dominion." I had an experience in the Referral Center of the MTC where I spoke with a woman who had claimed she had seen the celestial world. I don't know if she was being honest but the way she described what she saw will always remain with me. She said she was an artist and that the colors she saw in this glorious place were brighter than any she had ever seen. I specifically remember her commenting that the greens were extremely vibrant and beautiful. Again, I don't know if she was telling me the truth, but I know that nothing on earth compares to the beauty of the Celestial Kingdom. If I can work hard to earn money to go to Hawaii, I can work hard to remain righteous so I can live with my Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ, again in the Kingdom of God forever! The gospel of Jesus Christ is on the earth again and it is true!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

D&C Section 59

Heavenly Father created this Earth for US, His chosen spirits! He has provided us with everything we need to live, learn, grow, gain experience and return to live with Him again. Doctrine and Covenants section 59 begins by Jesus Christ stating that those who are faithful to the commandments will "receive a crown in the mansions of my Father". In order for us to obey the commandments, we must first know what they are. We are then informed that we need to love our Lord and God with all our heart, might, mind and strength and to serve Him. Many of the commandments are repeated. Christ then reminds us of all the blessings that are ours to claim when we do what has been asked of us.
We are blessed with the abundance of the earth as long as we confess God's hand in all things and obey His commandments. This makes the significance of the creation so important because when Heavenly Father was creating the light and darkness, the waters and dry land, the grass, shrubbery, tall trees, the insects and all manner of creepy things, the fish in the waters, fowls of the air and all manner of beasts... He was doing it all for us. I read an article in the Ensign that stood out to me a while ago that reminded me that every beautiful thing is this life was created so we could have joy! I know that for me it is the simple things that bring me the most joy. A beautiful warm day after a long, cold winter brings me so much happiness. A flower growing in an unwelcome terrain gives me strength to continue through the hard days I experience. A happy bark from the dog welcoming me home reminds me that I am loved. I know that Heavenly Father created all things for His children to have joy. Section 59 of the Doctrine and Covenants reminds us of what Heavenly Father asks us to do so that He can more fully bless us with the great things He created for our benefit!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Fabulous MOA!

Last Thursday my religion class toured the Museum of Art on BYU campus. We saw some of the new collection being shown about types and shadows of Christ. The exhibit focused on the symbolism used to represent Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Rita, our tour guide, led us through and facilitated great discussion among the group members. I have always found that when viewing something abstract as a representation of Christ or His acts of pure love, I learn something new and different than what I normally learn from the things that speak so plainly of Him. One of my favorite pictures in the museum is the one of titled, "The Prodigal Son". It is a painting of a meal covered in a blue cloth divided into three parts. The first represents the grand life of the Son of a King using crisp, fresh apples and a bright blue cloth. The second shows the food slightly rotted, dark, non-appetizing, and all somewhat meshed together. The third panel is beautiful again, but this time it is slightly different than the first signifying that there had been a change from the first panel. I like this because it shows that we all have the ability to repent and become clean again through the power of the Atonement. As I think about it now, it also reminds me of the plan of salvation. In the beginning we lived with God, our Heavenly Father and King. We made the choice to leave Him for a short while and life is not a crisp, clean and beautiful as it was while we lived in His presence. We have the opportunity to learn and improve and rely on our Savior to purify us so we can return to live with our Father again. When that time comes, the panel of our life will be clean again. Everything will be glorious and beautiful and we will have greater abundance because of the experiences we have had. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior. I know that the Atonement is real and that because Christ loves each of us so much, we can return to live with God again! We can become clean from all of our sins and enjoy the happiness and peace and beauty that we once had for eternity!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Exodus: Then and Now

The journey of the early Latter-day Saints to Zion is amazingly similar to the journey made by the children of Israel when led by Moses. They were both seeking for a place of refuge where they could worship as they chose and both experienced trials as well as many blessings along the way. The aspect that stood out most to me was that the physical terrain was so similar. Both valley's are near a living body of water and a dead body of water, a high mountain and much more. Their journey is also a similitude of the life of Jesus Christ. We can apply it to ourselves as well and the journey that we must take in order to assure a place in the highest kingdom of glory with our Heavenly Father. There is no guarantee that we will have an easy journey. In fact, the majority of the inhabitants of Earth will experience many trials. There will be obstacles in our life that seem hard to overcome. The only was we can endure our struggles is to have complete faith in Jesus Christ and a bright hope for the future. The pioneers are the greatest examples to me of keeping an eye single to the glory of God. Never did they waiver from the things that they were told. Their shining example lights the path I tread everyday. I know that I can accomplish hard things because God blessed and protected them while they were journeying. I am sure my journey will not be easy, but I know that I will be guided as I continue to have faith in Jesus Christ, my Savior!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Crandall Printing Museum

I love the Crandall Museum! I have been many times and everytime I have a great experience. The men presenting the history of printing put on a fabulous show. They really help you understand the magnitude of the invention of the printing press.
The presentation begins with a demonstration of the Gutenberg Press. This is the press that was made in Germany when scribes were trying to figure out how to speed the process of transcribing the Bible. It is fascinating how Gutenberg was able to figure out how to create a solid, long-lasting ink, a fabric that would absorb and keep the ink, a metal that would properly mold into the correct letter shape, and a machine that made the combination of everything possible. It is interesting that the scientists of ancient times were able to figure out ways to produce things that have since been tested using the modern technology of our day and we have found them to be the most effective means to use to create their desired outcome. This is true of the Gutenberg Printing Press. All of the resources used to create the press, tools and other items required for printing are still the best things that would be used today, if we still printed in that fashion. I believe that the Lord inspires individuals to find the most resourceful items. Even more than that, I believe that Heavenly Father knows the abilities of individuals and places them in a situation where they can reach their full potential, fulfill all that is required of them, and be in a place where they can find the things they need to truly succeed in what they were created to accomplish.
This leads to the creation of the Book of Mormon. The men of the Crandall Museum also explained how the Book of Mormon was published. It is interesting that Joseph Smith just happened to be near one of the only printing presses in the United States right when he needed to print mass copies of the Book of Mormon. I know that Heavenly Father knows so much more than we do. He knew that Joseph needed to be in a certain place at a certain time so he could fulfill the commandments of the Lord. The printing process had been refined from the first Gutenberg Press and the men at the Grandin Building were efficient in organizing and printing the pages of the Book of Mormon. They printed it in remarkable speed, considering that they not only copied the words from manuscripts to type, but they also punctuated the entire text. Never had any book been completed so quickly and efficiently. I think it is a fabulous notion that angels were attending them as they were putting the text together. I know that the Lord blesses us in so many ways and He sends His messengers to help us along to fulfill our righteous desires. I know that because Heavenly Father helped to move His work along by inspiring one man to invent an important tool, others to have the great printing skills, others to lead and delegate responsibilities so that everyone can give of their talents, He can lead us and help us to accomplish the tasks He desires us to complete and we too can help to build the kingdom of God in our day!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Gathering

How has the gathering of the Saints to Zion (Utah) affect me today?

My ancestors are included in the group of pioneers that traveled across the rocky terrain to Utah. They were commanded by Brigham Young to settle in the areas of Canada and built the church there. I feel very fortunate to be able to look back on the faithful examples of my ancestors. I am so grateful that they were diligent in obeying the Lords commandments and followed the teachings of the gospel so they could pass that heritage on to me. I need the gospel everyday of my life. Without it I am lost and would not know where to turn when I need divine help and miracles.
The miracle of defeating the threats associated with the rugged country my ancestors crossed reminds me that Heavenly Father is aware of His children and that He does bless us with abilities and accomplishments we could not do without His divine assistance. I have witnessed various miracles in my life. Miracles that could not occur unless a loving Father in Heaven answered my plea by interfering with the cosmos and creating a way for me to accomplish the certain task.
It is amazing to know that so many groups have traveled with unwavering faith in God to guide them along their course and He has always followed through as long as they remain true to their part of the bargain. This is something that applies directly to us in our day. We are all traveling along the journey of life and we are required to also "walk by faith". As long as we remain true and faithful to the commandments of our Heavenly Father, He will continue to lead us along the path with perfect direction. It is only when we lose sight of His commandments that we wander on unknown paths, leading to places lacking security and divine protection. Everyday we need to renew our faith, trust in Heavenly Father and follow the spirit. The church is true! Heavenly Father does love each of us and wants us to return to live with Him again by treading the path He has paved for us.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

An Elect Lady

I am a student minoring in Women’s Studies so section 25 of the Doctrine and Covenants really strikes a familiar chorus with my current interests. This section is a revelation from Jesus Christ to Emma, His daughter.He counsels her in various ways and many of the commands that He gives opens the mind of a woman’s role in the 1830’s.I feel that I can relate with this revelation in many ways because I too am a woman and I feel that I have a purpose to fulfill other than just take care of my family and raise children.
My first memorable encounter with this passage was at the end of my mission. I had served my Savior for about 18 months and was enjoying the spiritual environment of the Celestial Room in the Washington DC Temple. I said a prayer asking Heavenly Father to help me know what He would have me do when I arrived home and no longer had the responsibility of being a full-time missionary. Immediately after praying, I opened the scriptures to this chapter and began reading. I inserted my name in place of hers and applied it to my life. I love how Jesus Christ refers to Emma as His daughter and then as an “elect lady” I believe that phrase is special because women have a tendency to downplay themselves, and Christ’s reference to a woman in that context shows just how much He loves women and knows of their special nature and role. I found a lot of comfort in the next verse also which states, “Murmur not because of the things which thou hast not seen, for they are withheld from thee and from the world, which is wisdom in me for a time to come.” This applied to me while I was on my way home because I had a lot of trials awaiting me when I arrived home. My family was experiencing various problems and I had been preserved from being around that while on my mission. I felt I could relate to Emma because she was always experiencing some kind of grief and heartache for various reasons, much of which she did not understand. Her example of strength and endurance helped me through my transition and I was able to handle the changes with much less murmur.
I find this to be applicable in everyday life also because we will never know the future. We do not have the wisdom that God has and we will never fully know what to expect. In response to that, we can either murmur and be upset, or trust in God and allow Him to guide us through the unknown journey of life. I believe that life is much more enjoyable when we choose to accept our lives for what they are and be happy despite the challenges that may seem unbearable. Emma is such a great example of female leadership in the church. She is the woman that paved the way for all female leadership in a time when female leadership roles were unheard of in not only religion, but most everything in the United States. I know that Heavenly Father placed Emma where she needed to be so that we can look up to her for the efforts that she made and the role she played in leading the women of the Lords true church.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Articles and Covenants

Section 20 of the Doctrine and Covenants has been titled as the "Articles and Covenants". This section discusses various topics that are relevant to the establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It begins by giving a brief history of Joseph's spiritual help in obtaining, protecting, translating, and bringing forth of the Book of Mormon. Next this section describes the creation of Adam and Eve, their fall, the need for an Atonement and the role of Jesus Christ. After teaching of the need to repent and follow the steps of appropriate baptism, it goes on to explain the duties of the different priesthood callings. This section also provides the exact phrase that is accepted by God to perform baptisms and bless the sacrament, which is a renewal of the covenants made at baptism.
I found it very interesting that after this revelation had been given, God commanded the missionaries to bring a copy of it with them as they shared the gospel with others. It makes sense that when establishing new branches, the leaders would need a handbook of instructions to help them know how to set up Jesus Christ's church in the way He would have them do it.
Something that impresses me about the church is how the Lord went about organizing it. I have learned from the few business classes I have taken that there are certain things to do when organizing a business that can easily be franchised. One thing is that the job descriptions need to be laid out so anyone can that fills the position can understand their duty. This is done in Section 20. That is just one example of many business tactics that are easily found in the Doctrine and Covenants. Jesus Christ is not only our Redeemer and example of a variety of virtues, but He is also the greatest CEO! I love Him and learn so much from His great example everyday!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"a marvelous work is about to come forth..."

What do you do when you desire something? Or, another question to ask yourself is, how do you know that someone is really interested in helping you?

I have pondered these questions recently and feel that I can respond easily. I know that when I really want something I will push as hard as I can until I get it. I try my best to be patient and persistent, and most importantly to trust in God. I have found that often I am blessed by receiving that thing that I most wanted because I put forth a great amount of effort.

I also know that when I am really interested in helping someone I act very differently than when I don't care as much. I will make time in my schedule to do something with them or for them. I will think of them throughout the day. I will talk to others about them and show genuine concern for them. I will attend the events they are involved in. I will help them in whatever way I can.

So, why are these questions important and how do they relate to the Doctrine and Covenants? In Section 4:1, Christ states that "a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men," referring to the Book of Mormon. It is one thing to note that He is excited and informing us of the magnitude of this powerful book, but I want to focus on what He asks us to do with it.

One thing that Christ asks us to do is to serve Him with all of our "heart, might, mind and strength". He also says, "if ye have desires to serve God, ye are called to the work." This brings me back to the first question. What do you do when you desire something? If we have a desire to serve God, how do we prove that desire? Often I wonder, am I acting with as much vigor to obtain the rewards from the desire I have to serve God as I do in the other things I desire in life? Just a thought.

The next thing that sticks out to me is how often Christ mentions sharing the gospel after talking about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. My second questions relates here because if we really have the same concern for helping Christ as we do in helping others, I believe we would be much more anxiously sharing the gospel with others. I am guilty of this as much as the next person. The Book of Mormon has blessed me tremendously! It brings me a sure understanding of truth. It helps me feel peace when I need the comfort of the Holy Spirit. I find answers to my prayers and the questions of my soul. I learn more of the relationship we can have with our Father in Heaven. I improve my understanding of Jesus Christ's role as my Redeemer and Friend. The list continues...

I know that the Book of Mormon is true because of the way it has blessed me in my life. I want to help God share this blessing with the rest of the world in the same way I'd help a good friend in any task he/she asks me to. I commit to do better to "thrust in my sickle with all my might" and help to build the kingdom of God on the earth. I am just one, but one voice can still be heard.

Monday, September 21, 2009

One Hundred and Sixteen Pages LOST!!!

There are a few things that I find interesting about the experiences Joseph Smith had in the event of losing the first translated portion of the gold plates. After praying multiple times about Martin Harris's request to take the first 116 pages of manuscript home to show his wife, Joseph did not receive a direct answer of "no" and allowed him to take them. The Lord was not pleased with Joseph's decision and rebuked him. An account of this rebuke is recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants, chapter 3.
I appreciate this chapter because it show Joseph Smith in the early stages of his ministry. He was persuaded by the requests of man and caved when persistent effort was made to disobey his previous revelation. He made a mistake and the Lord chastises him by saying, "you should not have feared man more than God". I think this principle applies to each of us today. How often do we "set at naught the counsels of God" and follow the ways of the world? How often do we seek to please man rather than the Great Creator, our God? I have a testimony that God allows us to make mistakes so that we can learn from them. Here is a perfect example of a mistake that Joseph made where he was able to learn the importance of following the counsel of God before any other person. I believe this had a great impact on him in preparing him for the remainder of his church leadership. He knew from this point on that he could not disregard what had been said by God. No matter what anyone else desired, if it did not align with the dictates of God, their request was not going to be satisfied. I desire to apply this to me life. I know that when I do all I can to follow Heavenly Fathers counsel given to me, I am exceedingly happier than when I give in to the demands of others.
Another interesting point that I discovered in my reading was the fact that after the manuscript had been lost, those who had taken it were making adjustments to the text. Isn't it interesting that they were altering it when they claimed not to believe? Deep inside their hearts they must have known that Joseph would be able to translate the text exactly the same way he had previously. The purpose behind their alterations was to prove to the people that he did not have the power to translate ancient texts. Obviously, they knew he could do it again, or they wouldn't change it. Satan is so sneaky in manipulating the minds of people. The most interesting part is that those who are manipulated have no idea that they are being so irrational and illogical. I find that in our day Satan is still twisting the mindset of others by leading them to fight against the truth by showing that they believe the truth. I encourage those who read this to seek for further examples of this happening today.
I know that Jesus Christ lives today! I know that he always prepares a way to redeem us from our mistakes and the mistakes of others. For that, I am so grateful. The Church of Jesus Christ is the only true church of God on the earth! I know that God knows what is best for each of His children and He will inspire us to make wise choices throughout our lives. It is by satisfying His requests that we will be most happy in this life.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Spirit of God!

Tonight I had a great experience. I went to a training meeting for Relief Society and had my home teachers come over to share a message with me. The first thing I want to say is that the church is so amazing by having these programs where we can gather together to nourish and enrich one another. I am so grateful to be surrounded by people that have the same beliefs as me and that help me to be a better person everyday. God definitely knows what we need in life and He knows exactly how to bless us.
At the Relief Society meeting something that really stood out to me was the scripture that was mentioned in Alma 31:5 which summed up says that the word of God was more powerful than the sword in helping people to change their life. So, I relate that to my personal life because there are things that I need to do to change myself and the only way I can come closer to Christ and find lasting happiness is to allow the word of God to become a part of me. Only God knows what we need! There were many other inspirational talks and I felt the spirit teaching me and that is one of the greatest feelings I enjoy in life. Stacy Peters, who is the Stake Enrichment leader is such an amazing example to me of someone that is so optimistic and faithful. I want to be like her. Some of the attributes that she has that I admire is her ability to work hard, her devotion to the Savior and her love of the gospel. She loves others as the Savior does and I can feel her concern and love for me which helps me realize how genuine she truly is.
After the meeting Nick came over to share a home teaching message with me. He'll never know what an impact his message had on me. He shared his testimony of faith and how important it is for us to pray with extreme faith that God will provide, then act as if it was all up to us. I learned a great deal from his testimony and I'm so grateful that he's my home teacher. I am grateful that he took time out of his busy day to visit me and help me come closer to Christ. I do have a great faith in God's watchful eye in our lives. I do believe that He will help us to be successful when we put our trust in Him and go forward doing all we can to achieve our dreams and other things He wants for us. I know that challenges come to all people and that it is our opportunity to make the best out of our lives and learn from the boulders in our path. I am feeling very humbled today and I want to do whatever I need to to grow closer to my Savior and live my life in the way He would have me do it. The church is true! It is the spirit of God that has power to remind us of the Lord and help us become the people He wants us to be so that we can build His kingdom and prepare to build our own kingdoms in the future.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me!

I had a fascinating experience the other weekend while visiting some friends. I stayed the night and rummaged around this particular friends room, just some of the note papers he left out, and read them. I was very impressed with this individuals interests and goals in life. He had plans to attend the temple every week. He set a goal to live in the present and enjoy life in the stage he is currently at. I was also impressed with the notes he took at conference and how he was striving to live his life close to the Savior and follow the plan that He has for him. As I went home, I couldn't stop thinking about the respect that this friend had for the Savior and how it impacted him in the decisions he made and how he lived his life.
I then decided to study respect in the Book of Mormon and find out how the Savior wants us to show respect to Him. The scripture that first popped into my head is the first and great commandment that He gives us to "love the Lord thy God with all they heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind... And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
So then I looked up the definition of respect vs. love in the dictionary:

Respect: esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability.

Love: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person; a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

I concluded that respect is a prerequisite to loving another person. When the Savior asks us, or rather commands us to love others, it is important for us first to respect them. We must recognize their worth and their excellence and then we can develop that tender affection and care that He wants us to have. By doing these things we are able to fulfill the commandment to love others as ourselves.

My friend is a great example of showing respect to the Lord, to others and to himself and I am grateful to have an example like that in my life. The greatest example that all of us can look to though is Jesus Christ. He is the first one to recognize the qualities of another person. His love in unconditional. He knows our strengths and helps us to magnify them. I know that when I am feeling down or that I am not qualified He is able to give me strength and remind me of my abilities, and help me to overcome the minor challenges that I face everyday. He is the ultimate Respecter! He is the definition of love! He is the only one we can always look up to as being who we should strive to become.

I have just been overwhelmed lately with the concept of respect and desire to increase my respect for those around me. Everyone we encounter in our life deserves to be loved and respected by us. We have a command to find the good in others and learn to love them for it. I am so grateful for Jesus Christ who paved the way for me so I can have a more positive life and be able to find peace in my daily activities despite my weaknesses. I love the gospel with all my heart and although I make mistakes, I know that Heavenly Father loves me still and will help me to do learn and do what is right. The church is true!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Follow the Prophet

This past week was General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was great to be able to hear the counsel from the leaders of the Church. Something that really struck me this time was the truth that President Monson truly is a prophet of God. I felt the spirit witness to me that He has a message for us that will bring us happiness and peace in this life and all we need to do is follow His guidance.
I feel that for the most part of my life I have tried to make good decisions. I know that as I live closer the the spirit, it is not so difficult to do what is right. When I let the little things slip, such as, reading my scriptures daily, praying with a sincere heart, arriving on time to church, etc, it is easy to forget the reason behind the commandment and simply obey.
This conference was special to me because I was able to spend time with some of my mission friends that are from out of the country. One of my former companions is here from Madagascar and another sister I served with at the Washington DC Temple Visitors Center is visiting from Switzerland. As I was talking with this specific sister about her life in Europe, I was very touched at how strong she is in standing for what she believes and keeping the commandments in a place where the majority of the people think negatively about the church. She understands the reason behind the commandment and lives the gospel because she knows it is the way to have happiness in this life and to return to live Heavenly Father again. I know that those that keep the commandments in a society where it is not generally accepted have wonderful opportunities to allow their faith to grow and be a light to those around them.
So putting these two ideas together, this past week I have realized again the importance of keeping the simple commandments, living the gospel for the correct reason, and how we need to heed the counsel of the Prophet and Apostles because they do speak for God. I know that they do reveal what Heavenly Father would say to us if He could speak directly to us today. I am grateful that we know that revelation exists today and that God loves us so much, He would never leave us without direction and guidance. I have recommitted myself to doing the small things that the Prophet (speaker for God) asks because I know that "by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise". (Alma 37:6) I know that recommitting to follow the Prophet and doing the simple things that Heavenly Father asks will bring joy to us daily and we will feel God's love and acceptance more ofthen. I know the Church is true!

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Book of Mormon is TRUE!!!

I find it very interesting that Moroni tries to end the Book of Mormon multiple times. Three obvious ones are at the end of the account of Mormon, one at the end of Ether and then finally after he has written his portion. I noticed times when he was seemed to end within those books as well. I don't know his reasoning of wanting to end, but I can assume it is because he is alone and wants to die so he can return to live with God again. I have been thinking a lot about timing lately. As I read this part of the Book of Mormon, I compared myself to Moroni. I bet that it was just as hard for Moroni to learn and accept the Lord's timing of things in his life as it is for each of us. In his mind, he had finished his duty when he had copied his dad's words. The Lord had another plan in mind for him. Then he thought, ok, I'll copy part of this other record. He did, but still the Lord had more for him to do. He wrote some of his personal revelations and the last chapter of the Book of Mormon, including Moroni's promise, has changed the world. Heavenly Father knew that those short phrases needed to be written for His own purposes, which we don't understand. I believe that it applies directly to us in our lives. We need to do some things that will bless our lives or the lives of others for reasons that we don't fully understand, and may never even know. I wonder if Mormon or Moroni, or any of the other prophets really understood the magnitude that their works would have on the people of this generation. I feel so blessed that these great men would dedicate so much of their life to bring forth this book that has power to help anyone in need of guidance. I know it has come to the world by the Power of God and we can come closer to Jesus Christ by reading it! The examples of the prophets and others have blessed me in my life and I am so grateful for them. The church is true!

Monday, March 23, 2009

In the Grand Scheme of LIfe, Who's Opinion Really Matters?

As we go through life, I think it is natural for us to try to figure out who we are. Some people take a very introverted approach, while others may base who they are on the people they associate with. Some may even create a fantasy of who they believe they are when in actuality they are someone totally different. So this past week, I have been reviewing my daily activities, my goals or ultimate desires, and pondering about who I really am.
I'm going to start from last Saturday. I had a few invitations to hang out with different people after I arrived home from work. I wasn't in the mood to really do anything so I just chilled for a while til something appealing was introduced to me. One of my friends invited me to go to the hot pots and hang out. I haven't done anything like that in a while so I took him up on his offer. It sounded relaxing and fun so I went. A little background information about him, he is a punk kid. I always seem to get along with that type really well. He doesn't really get along well with his family. He isn't very active in the church. He has long hair, ballroom dances and love to ride his low rider motorcycle. In my opinion, he is a really cool kid and he has a great heart although he may not be making the decisions his parents want him to make.
On Sunday night, I was invited to two separate parties and had to plan my evening so I could attend both. The first party was filled with lots of attractive boys (very few girls). It was fun, we ate crepes, it was good. The second party was for a good friend. She is a super snowboarder chic. After most of the guests had left I sat and chatted with her and another girl about snowboarding for a long time. I didn't realize this til then, but snowboarders have their own lingo. They would say things and I didn't know what they were talking about. They invited me to learn to snowboard and I'm sure I'll chill with them again. It was fun to see a different side of people that I hadn't seen before.
Monday I went to a ward party and hung out with a bunch of Mormons. It was fun. We dressed up like we were from the 70's and danced old school style. The bishopric was there and we all had a fun time. It was a very comfortable environment.
One of my old friends from Bon Losee has been living in Lehi for the past year and I finally made it over to visit her this week. She is a model in Vegas. She has lived a life that I don't understand. She was working at a night club, doing modeling assignments, and now knows a lot of people at all the cool clubs in Vegas. She is beautiful and still very down to earth. She has done a great job to maintain her standards while living in the "city of sin".
I also went on a date this Thursday with a cute English Teacher from the high school I work at. The cheerleaders have been working to set me up with him multiple times. He is super sweet and he does challenge me in some ways. He is a soccer coach and he works with special ed students. Very different from what I am used to but I am letting things play out without a lot of stress.
On Saturday I went to a house warming party that was put on by some of the girls in my ward. They are super cute. It was great fun, great food and I met a lot of different people. This scene was a bit more indie. The people were much more liberal and had serious opinions about some controversies in life. It was good to be around people that accepted others for who they are and were fun to associate with. I found myself being very intrigued with who they are and the opinions they expressed.
Yesterday, Sunday, I went to the farewell of one of my good friends younger brother. He will be leaving soon to serve his mission in Spain. Anyways, I hadn't seen this friend in forever either. We have experienced a lot together and it was good to make ammends with her. She isn't living the gospel at all and you can tell that she allows herself to struggle much more than necessary because of that. I also was able to see her family and they are doing so good. I am very happy for them. It was great to see my friend and catch up a little bit.
So, maybe my weeks adventures don't seem to have anything to do with the religion, but I was talking to my brother last night and correlated some things and found out a lot about myself. I am a person that loves diversity. I long for it and living here, in Provo, Utah, there is a definite lack of diversity. I love the influence of living with so many members of the church but I need to be around people that are different from me. I realized that I seek diversity where it is not openly present. I love to meet people that have different ideas than me and that live a different lifestyle. I am intrigued by them and want to learn more. I want to see if the life they live brings them happiness, and if it makes them happy, I wonder if it would make me happy as well.
So, I was talking with my brother and he often comments about how some people are really trendy and they want to be thought of as cool. It made me think that what my motorcycle friend thinks is cool is going to be totally different from what my Vegas model friend thinks is cool. And the church friends are going to think that one thing is really cool while my childhood friend that isn't active in the church would think it is very uncool. I came to conclude that all these people have a different definition of what they view to be "cool" or acceptable or desirable. Because I have a tendency to surround myself with so many different groups of people, I feel I have a greater opportunity to define myself and decide what I deem to be cool. I realized that I think all these people are cool and that because they are all God's children, He thinks they are cool too. When it could be easy to try to impress all these different people and want them to like me, I have found that the most important person to impress in our Heavenly Father. He loves everyone. He thinks that we are all fantastic and that we have great potential to do anything. He loves us if we love to ride motorcycles, or if we love to get dressed up and look fancy. He loves us if we dress in the latest fashions and He loves us if we don't dress much at all. It is important that we develop relationships with other humans, but we have no need to try to influence their opinion of us because the only lasting opinion that really matters is how our Heavenly Father views us and I know that is true!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Being a Light in Perilous Times

As I was reading the story of Mormon, I was very impressed with his amazing example. I feel that I was able to relate with it more closely this time for two reasons. The first is that Mormon was 24 years old when he began his record and I am also 24. The second reason is because of the economic crisis we are experiencing and the repercussions we assume we'll face in the upcoming years.
When describing his life, Mormon says that "a continual scene of wickedness and abominations has been before mine eyes ever since I have been sufficient to behold the of man." From this statement, I understand that Mormon has had a tough life. He grew up in a world of chaos and contention. I believe that many of the people in the world today are living in a lifestyle that is not ideal. Many people are suffering or experiencing catastrophe, famine, or hard situations at this time. We too may be living in a less privileged society sooner than we know. I look to Mormon as an example because despite his tough childhood, he became a great leader church. He didn't follow the trend but was hopeful that others would learn of God and find happiness in life. He says, "wo is me because of their wickedness; for my heart has been filled with sorrow because of their wickedness, all my days; nevertheless, I know that I shall be lifted up at the last day."
I think we can learn so much from Mormon's example of optimism and diligence. He was a mighty leader at the young age of 24. He didn't allow the calamities of the world around him to influence him to be filled with depression and feelings of hopelessness. He rose above the world and believed that God would provide for him despite the challenges he may face. I pray that we can all learn from his example and be a light to the world while we are experiencing potential hardships. God has given us the key to happiness and eternal life. It is up to us to make the decision to follow His plan and receive the blessings He want's to give us.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


3 Nephi 23 is the chapter when Christ lovingly speaks to Nephi about his mistake to not record the coming about of the prophecies of .  I think it is interesting that Nephi was told earlier that his faith was so strong that Heavenly Father would allow him to perform many miracles.  So, I think it is interesting that although God gave Nephi the power to command miracles because of his exceeding faith, he wasn't perfect.  He still made mistakes and Jesus Christ still rebuked him (lovingly) to repent and improve.  I learned that we are all imperfect.  We all need to do our best in all that we do.  We may have great gifts of faith, testimony, positive attitude, leadership, etc but we still make mistakes and need to rely on the Lord to redeem us from our sins and help us to make right choices.  Jesus Christ is our friend!  He loves us and will help us to be the best we can be in life.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Fiery Darts of Destruction

I was reviewing the story of Samuel the Lamanite and considered a few parallels of his story that relate to us in our everyday lives. Samuel is a prophet that stops by a neighboring town to preach the Doctrine of Christ to the wicked people. The people respond by rejecting his message and throwing him out of their city. As Samuel heads home, he is visited by an angel who tells him to go back and try to preach to the people again. Being obedient, Samuel again enters the city and when no one will listen to him, he climbs upon a wall and exclaims truths to the multitude. Some believe his words, repent and become converted to the truth.
Helaman 16:2 says,
"But as many as there were who did not believe in the words of Samuel were angry with him; and they cast stones at him upon the wall, and also many shot arrows at him as he stood upon the wall; but the spirit of the Lord was with him, insomuch that they could not hit him with their stones neither with arrows."
I related this to myself by asking the questions, What stones and arrows do people throw at me today? How was Samuel protected from the stones and darts of the adversary? What do we need to do to have the same protection? I think that sometimes as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we may be persecuted for our beliefs by some who don't understand, or even in a daily circumstance we may be exposed to things that hurt or affect us in a negative way. By following Samuel's example, we too can be protected when we have the spirit of the Lord with us. I believe that the spirit is more powerful than we know and that as we have that power with us continually, we will be blessed in ways we cannot even imagine. Miracles are happening in our day and we can witness them for ourselves as long as we are faithful!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Only God Can Change Stubborn People

I was looking over the notes from my homecoming talk and remembered that as I gave my talk I said, "Only God can change stubborn people", referring to how I had been changed on my mission. It was definitely inspired of the spirit because it hit me really hard. I am stubborn and just any person doesn't have any ability to change me, but God through His kindness, mercy and unbelievable patience can.

When Lehi and his family are traveling to the promised land, there is a time when Lamen and Lemuel are very feisty and decide that they no longer want Nephi to be their leader. They bind him with cords and take control of the ship. Lehi and Sariah (the parents), Nephi's wife and children, and many others try to persuade Lamen and Lemuel to release Nephi with no success. Finally, storms come resulting in heavy winds and waves described as being "a great and terrible tempest" that pushed them back in their journey. These storms last for 4 days when they became so bad that they "were about to be swallowed up in the depths of the sea". After fearing that their lives were in danger, Lamen and Lemuel realized that they needed to repent and did so. Nephi was released from bondage and the storms ceased.

The scripture that I love is 1 Nephi 18:20, which says;
"And there was nothing save it were the power of God, which threatened them with destruction, could soften their hearts; wherefore, when they saw that they were about to be swallowed up in the depths of the sea they repented of the things which they had done..."
I feel that the Lord has been calling me to repentance lately. I have been reminded to take time to read and apply the scriptures in my life, to pray with REAL INTENT and not use vain (worthless) repetitions, to arrive on time to church and worthily partake of the sacrament. These are a few of the ways I have been coaxed by the Lord to repent and come closer to Him. As I have been improving myself in these ways I can honestly say I have been able to feel the love of Jesus Christ more fully in my day. I have more love for those around me and I am less irritated by the annoyances of daily life. I have been able to better understand Heavenly Father's plan for me and ACCEPT it, even if it isn't what I want for myself at the time. I have seen innumerable blessings and I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that compels me to humble myself so He can bless me in the ways He desires. I can imagine Him saying, "Please just do these things so I can bless you as I want to and as you deserve". I know Heavenly Father lives and loves each of us! I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and He is striving to bring us closer to Him everyday. He wants us to be happy and enjoy life by making choices that will allow the spirit to be with and lead us to the person we want to become.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Power of God

After going to the Crandall Museum, I realized that the founding fathers of the United States experienced similar trials as the Saints in the Book of Mormon. One of the gentlemen guiding the tour talked about the Revolutionary War and how the small colonial army was able to defeat the great British army. I couldn't help myself from comparing it to the various times when the Nephites were able to defeat the Lamanites in battle despite their smaller numbers. When this happens, the Book of Mormon never fails to mention that they were victorious because they fought "with the power of God and not of men".
I believe that this same principle correlates with the Revolutionary War. I believe that the first leaders of this nation were men of God. They went forward with a strength beyond their own for many reasons, one being because God designed to provide a country with religious freedom so He could again restore the truth to the Earth. I am grateful to the men that gave their lives for our freedom today. I don't appreciate enough all that was sacrificed so I can worship as I please. I am grateful for the true gospel of Jesus Christ and that I am blessed to be guided by God daily!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Food Storage

How important is food storage?
As a single student, I don't go out of my way to create an extra supply of food. It just doesn't seem practical to me at this time in my life. As I read about Christ's visit to the America's, my opinion was slightly altered. The time was one of wickedness, corruption, stealing, lying, murdering, fornications, and all kinds of serious evils. There were two opposing groups, the righteous and the Gadianton Robbers (wicked). The righteous had been led by God in all things. They were not perfect or prevented from experiencing tragedy or sorrow, but they put their trust in the Lord and He helped them through their trials. The Gadianton Robbers lived in the wilderness and were a vile and rude people.
As the time of Christ's visitation drew nearer, there was a shortage of food. 3 Nephi 4:4 says that the righteous had "provisions"" that they had "reserved for themselves". The only source of food for the Gadianton Robbers was from the storage of the righteous. The scriptures say that these Robbers would fight against the righteous to obtain food.
I look to this story as a shadow of things to come. We need to be prepared for famines and times of food shortage because those that don't have any food will do whatever it takes to stay alive.
How important is food storage?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's all in our ATTITUDE!

I began reading the Book of Mormon again at the beginning of the year. This time I decided to read through it quickly and I learned an interesting thing. The first books, first and second Nephi, talk about the journey that Lehi took with his family in the wilderness and across the ocean to the promised land. During that time, Lehi, who is a prophet, received revelation from God as to where he should go and what he should do. His family responded in different ways and it is interesting how their attitude and their response related to the experience they had while traveling.
Lehi's four oldest sons are named, in order from oldest to youngest; Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi. Whenever Lehi asks his sons to do something, Laman and Lemuel will murmur, complain, have a negative attitude, hesitate to do it, and gain nothing from the experience. On the other hand, Nephi responds with no hesitation to follow what his father has asked. He knows that his father is a prophet of God and that when he speaks, it is necessary to obey. In obeying, he knows God will help him accomplish the required task and he will be blessed.
In the course of their travels it is obvious that Laman and Lemuel do not learn or grow in the way that Nephi does. I believe a big part of it is attributed to the fact that Nephi was always willing to follow God's commands and allowed God to shape him into the person he became by being optimistically obedient.
While going through hardships in life, I have found that there is great power in a positive attitude. It shows that we are aware of God and His ability to help us and while experiencing such trials, we are better able to learn from them. Laman and Lemuel show a great example of our natural response, sometimes we don't want to go through the experiences in front of us. It is human for us to complain. I have come to notice that as much as we want to complain, it doesn't change the fact that the situation is still before us. We still need to get over it so why not have a positive attitude and try to learn something valuable. It is up to us to create our destiny and I believe we can become amazing people as we seek to be optimistic throughout our days!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Book of Mormon: Developing a Routine

Yesterday I attended the homecoming of one of the leaders in my mission. It was great to talk to some of my former missionary companions and other friends in the mission. As most return missionaries do, we discussed some of our recent converts and their activity in the church. One of the investigators that I worked with for a good amount of time was mentioned and I found that he has not been actively attending church. I obtained his phone number from one of the sisters and called him on my way home. Our conversation was sweet. It was great to be updated on his life and to let him know that I cared about him and his salvation. He didn't seem very optimistic about life, which is characteristic of him, and he wasn't making decisions that would bring him happiness. We discussed his current commitment to reading the Book of Mormon. He had placed it on a shelf and hadn't been supping of the words of eternal salvation. I know that a big part of the reason he hasn't been happy in life is because he hasn't been going to church, where he can feel the spirit of Christ in a place of learning and growth, or reading daily from the Book of Mormon, which book will bring one closer to Christ than any other book. I challenged him to start reading again just by opening and closing the book for two days, then for the rest of the week reading only one verse. He is going to call and let me know how it goes next Sunday. I am excited to hear of the progress he makes in developing a routine to read the Book of Mormon. I have a strong belief that when a person takes time to remember our Savior, to study His teachings, even if for just a few moments in the day, our lives are more manageable and we are able to develop the attributes we desire and ultimately become happier, more successful people. As this recent convert works to develop a routine of gospel study, I challenge myself and any others to do the same. Even if it is only one verse a day, that is better than nothing. I know that the Lord receives what we can give and gives us back more than we can imagine! I wish us all the ability to become more like Christ by setting aside time to read His words.