Monday, March 30, 2009

The Book of Mormon is TRUE!!!

I find it very interesting that Moroni tries to end the Book of Mormon multiple times. Three obvious ones are at the end of the account of Mormon, one at the end of Ether and then finally after he has written his portion. I noticed times when he was seemed to end within those books as well. I don't know his reasoning of wanting to end, but I can assume it is because he is alone and wants to die so he can return to live with God again. I have been thinking a lot about timing lately. As I read this part of the Book of Mormon, I compared myself to Moroni. I bet that it was just as hard for Moroni to learn and accept the Lord's timing of things in his life as it is for each of us. In his mind, he had finished his duty when he had copied his dad's words. The Lord had another plan in mind for him. Then he thought, ok, I'll copy part of this other record. He did, but still the Lord had more for him to do. He wrote some of his personal revelations and the last chapter of the Book of Mormon, including Moroni's promise, has changed the world. Heavenly Father knew that those short phrases needed to be written for His own purposes, which we don't understand. I believe that it applies directly to us in our lives. We need to do some things that will bless our lives or the lives of others for reasons that we don't fully understand, and may never even know. I wonder if Mormon or Moroni, or any of the other prophets really understood the magnitude that their works would have on the people of this generation. I feel so blessed that these great men would dedicate so much of their life to bring forth this book that has power to help anyone in need of guidance. I know it has come to the world by the Power of God and we can come closer to Jesus Christ by reading it! The examples of the prophets and others have blessed me in my life and I am so grateful for them. The church is true!

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